Hi again blogosphere! It has been basically the entire summer since I last checked in with y'all, and I blame this on the fact that I have been emotionally and physically fatigued for the past month and now I haven't EVEN SEEN BATMAN YET. WHAT? IS? WRONG? WITH? ME?
Specifically: I moved apartments in July and then started a new job the day after which has consumed my life like a black hole vortex that smells like teenager B.O.
But through the help of friends and one wonderful apartment co-habitant, the apartment has taken some shape. I promised my Mother I would post pictures of some of our successes, so here they are, in no particular order:
Pictures: (1) One can now physically sit at the desk, rather than all usable desk space either being crammed with excess electronics or used as a mantlepiece for plants. (2) I made my friend's brown butter chocolate bread pudding recipe. DO IT. OMG. (3) Sometimes the bedroom feels like an opium den (4) We still need more shelves, but not more plants!
And the final big perk of this new pad is the abundance of absolutely AMAZING food options in the area. The Jean Talon market, if you haven't heard of it, is the best open air, year round market in Montreal, and showcases local producers of all sorts, including CHEESE. mmm. Therefore, it will be weighing in heavily in my upcoming posts.
In addition, there is a much more diverse population in this area, so we have access to lots of tasty vietnamese (Banh Mi!), Salvadoran (pupusa!), Indian (Thali!) and so much more. omg guys, as long as I can stay awake long enough to eat, this is gonna be a fantastic year.