There is this amazing salad back in LA at a place called Huckleberry. It's wildly overpriced but absolutely awesome food. They make a salty caramel square that I would literally walk across the country for. Not on hot coals or anything, but I mean that is an insane and very long walk. But I digress.
This salad is super simple and smacks you in the face with the question "Why the hell didn't I think of this before??"
The ingredients are ridiculously simple. Carrots. Avocado. Cumin. Oil. Lemon.
Bang. Done. And the results? ridiculously delicious. So delicious you're gonna be like, Whaaaaat? This is a frickin' SALAD? Esé? Ce n'est pas vrai!
MAIS C'EST Frickin' VRAI. The real kicker is that when you eat it at H-berry's, you realize if you had made it at home it would cost you about 1/25th of what you spend there. I mean...dosage-wise. Because a dollar buys a bunch of carrots y'all.
And I will poetically tie this into the fact that I am so mad blissful happy to be in Montreal right now, where all the simple ingredients of this city (the cultural variety, the spring blooming, the beautiful birds of paradise that bust out in their finest feathers) have been tossed together and result in our nightly 8pm casserole banging/music making protesting and general community building. It's awesome. totes. And I'm like "This is a frickin' game-changer?" Mais, peut-être, c'est frickin' vrai.
Huckleberry Carrot-Avocado Salad (With a Chesley Twist)
1 bunch of carrots (10-12)
2 ripe avocados
4 tbsp parmesan, grates
olive oil
half a lemon, juiced
cumin seeds, cracked but not powder
salt and pepper
Preheat the oven to 450 F. Peel the carrots and slice them in long and medium thick slices, sideways. Toss with olive oil, salt, pepper, cracked cumin seeds and parm. Lay on a baking sheet and bake for 45 minutes, tossing the carrots every 15 minutes at least. take out of the oven and immediately put in diced avocado and squeeze the lemon in to taste. toss it well and then let the salad cool in the fridge. Serve with a bit of fresh parsley.